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At which merchants do I pay via Payconiq with Monizze?

You pay mobile at local merchants who offer Payconiq via a QR code sticker and accept payments with Monizze meal vouchers via Payconiq.     

It is not yet possible to make mobile payments at large retailers such as supermarkets or at merchants who offer Payconiq via their payment terminal or till screen. 

Find more information here.

How do I pay with my Monizze meal vouchers via Payconiq?

  1. Scan the Payconiq QR code on the sticker at your local shop. If the merchant offers Monizze through Payconiq and you still have balance available, this payment option will appear on your Payconiq app.
  2. Confirm or enter the amount you need to pay.
  3. You will be shown the available balance on your Monizze card and how to pay for your purchase. Do you have enough balance to pay for the entire purchase with your meal vouchers? Pay with your vouchers! Can’t pay the purchase in full with your meal vouchers? The remaining amount will be paid automatically via Payconiq using your linked bank account. Choose whether you pay with Monizze by ticking or un-ticking the meal voucher function in the payment overview.
  4. Confirm your payment with the same PIN you use to make other mobile payments using the Payconiq by Bancontact app.

Find more information here.

How do I add my Monizze meal vouchers in my Payconiq app?

To pay with Monizze through Payconiq, your Monizze card must first be added in your Payconiq app.   

This is possible through two ways:     

  1. Go to “Services” via the Payconiq app’s home screen. Click on “Meal vouchers” and follow the instructions to add your Monizze card.      
  2. Or go to the “Menu” in the top-left corner of the Payconiq app. Click on ‘Payment methods’ and follow the instructions to add your Monizze card.     

Remember to link your bank account to the Payconiq by Bancontact app before adding your Monizze meal vouchers. Check here which banks currently offer you to do this. 

Find more information here.

How do I activate or deactivate online payments for my Monizze account?

You can activate or deactivate online payments via your MyMonizze account. Once logged in, manage this option via the “Profile” tab.

How can I pay online with my Monizze vouchers?

  1. Go to the merchant’s mobile application or website.  Discover our online network here.   
  2. Add your products to your shopping basket.  
  3. At checkout, choose Monizze as your payment method.
  4. Enter your Monizze login details.
  5. Confirm your order.
    Note: make sure “online payments” is activated for your MyMonizze account. Find out how to activate online payments here.

Where can I pay online with my Monizze vouchers?

Discover our online network here.

Can I use my Monizze vouchers abroad?

The Monizze card can only be used in Belgium. Each country has its own legislation on extralegal benefits. The granting of Monizze vouchers is subject to Belgian legislation. 

Where can I pay with my Monizze meal, eco and gift vouchers?

There are 2 ways to spend your meal, eco and gift vouchers:   

  1. In a shop, with your Monizze card: there are more than 30,000 shops in Belgium accepting the Monizze card. => add link network new website   
  2. Online, via your MyMonizze account: => add link network new website   
  3. Via Dealzz, our online benefits platform => add link Dealzz

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