Addendum to the employment contract
DownloadCollective labour agreement
DownloadOrder file
DownloadGeneral terms and conditions of sale
Individual agreement
Changement du numéro de compte bancaire
Sticker for display
DownloadWijziging van bankrekeningnummer
Algemene toelatingsvoorwaarden
Conditions générales d’affiliation
Advertising visuals
DownloadSticker for frontstore
Royal Decree of the 24th July 2014
The generalization of the elctronic meal voucher
Royal Decree of the 8th June 2015
The increase of the face value of the meal voucher up to 8€
Royal Decree of the 10th February 2012
The conversion of the meal voucher in ecovoucher and vice versa
Royal Decree of the 23rd November 2010
The meal voucher can be delivered in electronic format
Royal Decree of the 19th February 1998
Notice from the Federal Public Service of Finance of the 11th May 2007
Economic recovery act of the 27th March
1€ from the employer’s contribution in the meal voucher is deductible